a photo is worth… a lot of money


I actually cannot believe how close I am to setting off for the world. On one hand, I cannot contain my excitement, but I also feel a bit nervous because so much needs to happen between today and Sunday August 17th at 8:00am when I board a plane to London.

Today I spend most of my time running around figuring out a few details for some crucial items I want to bring, namely a quality camera. As this post’s title suggests, I did end up spending a decent amount of money, but I believe I got a good bargain. I bought the SONY NEX3 – which is an older model, but still a good camera – according to both my future photography professor and Best Buy experts – and not nearly as expensive as its newer counterparts.


I needed a camera that has a nice auto mode, but also allows me to do manual shooting – which right now I absolutely suck at, but hopefully will get better at during my photography class at sea! It also has a removable leans, so I could purchase other fancier lenses if I do indeed possess undiscovered photographic talent (doubtful).  Also, now my fabulous future readers can appreciate the photos I will upload from amazing things I will hopefully be doing 🙂

Other items I acquired today in preparation for the voyage include: laundry bag/hamper, anti-wrinkle spray, Costo packs of snacks – 100 calorie bags & chewy bars, lots of gum, hanging cosmetic bag, and an auto shut off curling iron.  

I started a page to document important items I plan to pack based of off info from other blogs, alumni, and personal research. This trip just became a little more real – and even more expensive, ugh.  Now the only excuse I will have for low caliber pictures is lack of skill… We will see how that goes I guess. 

to plan or not to plan

(The extent of my plans)

I firmly believe traveling to see the world is a venture best undertaken with companions.  Perhaps this means going solo to a hostel and meeting people there, planning spring break with your closest friends, or a holiday with the family to some tropical locale.  In my experience, it’s the people with whom I travel that make or break the trip.

With this in mind, I have began to plan my port stays.  18 stops.  16 countries.  108 days.  I know not a single person going on this voyage.  I have some friends of friends that will be on board, but not really anyone I know personally.  Thus, when it comes to planning what to do at port, right now I am at a loss.  There is a Facebook group for SAS 2014 Independent Travel, but I hesitate to make any concrete plans because I have heard too many varying things about what is best.


Some alumni told me to book several SAS Field Programs (sponsored by SAS found here) – but I couldn’t decide which ones I wanted to do and I am worried about going over budget – some overnight Field Programs are over $700.


After much deliberation, I decided to wait to plan out trips until on board, so I can coordinate with the friends I really hope I will make.  Usually some spots are still open for SAS Field Programs on board and you can purchase them at a discount from other students who changed their minds about going. Additionally, I heard it is not too much of a headache to organize similar independent excursions for a cheaper price – although this is not supported by SAS (safety concerns I believe).


As of now, I just have a list at least one thing I’d like to do in each country and a pinterest board with important sites.  I have been asking people for their advice if I know they’ve been somewhere on my voyage – all recommendations are appreciated.  Here is the list so far: [I also included my field labs]


Saint Petersburg, Russia

-Vodka Tasting

-Russian site seeing – The Hermitage Museum

Gdansk, Poland 


Rostock, Germany


Antwerp, Belgium 

-Eat Chocolate

-Bruges & Brussles

– Field lab – NATO Headquarters visit

Le Havre, France 

– Amsterdam!!

– Field Lab – Photography

Dublin, Ireland

Cliffs of Moher

Guiness Storehouse

Lisbon, Portugal

-Potentially fly to Oktoberfest?

Cadiz, Spain

-Field Lab – Flamenco Dancing – Spanish Class

Casablanca, Morocco

– Cooking lesson

– Camel Trek!

Dakar, Senegal

Pink lake

– Village visit

Takoradi, Ghana/ Tema (Accra), Ghana

-Hospital volunteering

-Field Lab: micro financing and entrepreneurship

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/ Salvador, Brazil

-Amazon boat tour

Iguazu Falls

Bridgetown, Barbados

– Scuba diving

Havana, Cuba

– Go to Old Havana

That’s the extent of my planning in advance for now- and it kills me a little bit because I would like to have some more concrete plans. I guess we will see how it goes.